
Which License Do I Need?

Check the faqs below to see which of our models applies to you. If you’re still not sure, please email support.

The Apps for Sale model is for when you sell an app, either directly or in an app store. You pay a small (5% or less) fee on the payments you receive from selling the app.

The Internal Users model applies when you develop apps for use within your organization. All developers and each user needs a license. This reflects that even though you are not selling your app, each user in your organization gets value from using the software. Volume discounts quickly reduce the cost as your user numbers increase.

You can see pricing for the Internal Apps model here. You can see examples of Application Payments here. Both licenses are subject to fair use of data and hosting.

Use Cases

You need one seat license for each developer of the app.

You need one license for each developer of the app. Your app is sold under the Apps For Sale model, which as it is free does not incur any additional costs. Please note that free apps hosted on the Create Cloud have limits to the amount of server resources they are allowed to use. They will also display a badge that states they were “Made with LiveCode – Not for Commercial Use”.

You need one license for each developer of the app. Your app is sold under the Apps For Sale model.

Your app is an Internal app and each developer and each user requires a seat license.

If you are an existing customer with more than 10 internal seats and this change is going to present a challenge for you, please get in touch with support for details of our legacy customer transition plan.

You need one license for each developer and internal user of the app. Your app is sold under the Apps For Sale model.

You need one license for each developer of the app. The company you developed the software for needs an Internal app license for each user if the app is used internally. If you have multiple clients with different bespoke apps, you can purchase seat licenses at the volume discount in a block. You may choose to keep the margin or pass it on to your customers.

If the company who you deliver the bespoke software to is selling the app rather than using it internally, they will need an Apps for Sale license.

Provided the elementary school, middle school or high school is part of a public or state education system and does not charge its students a fee, this use (for both the teacher and students) is completely free. Apps created cannot be used for any commercial purposes and will display a badge to that effect. Free apps hosted on the Create Cloud will be subject to restrictions on the level of Cloud resources they are allowed to use.

You need one license for each developer of the app. The event organizer needs an Internal Apps license if they are charging for the event. They do not need one if access to the event is free (e.g. an museum exhibition). If they need a license then it is possible to purchase either for each user of the app or for the machines that the app is installed on. It is possible to purchase Internal User Months instead of annually for short exhibitions.

You need one license for each developer of the app. The Internal Apps model applies but it does not monetize non-commercial users. As the visitor is neither an employee or customer this use does not attract any additional charge.

You need one license for each developer of the app. The Apps for Sale model applies but as no revenue is changing hands for the app there won’t be any cost. For restrictions on free apps, see freeware, above.

You need one license for each developer of the app. Use of the portal classifies as selling your app to a customer and the Apps for Sale model applies.

You need one license for each developer of the app. Use by employees or contractors classifies as an Internal App and each user requires a seat license.

You need one license for each developer of the app. Your app is sold under the Apps For Sale model which includes monetizing revenues from advertising or sales of digital goods via in app purchases.