

Yes, Create is a brand new product line with substantial new features, a brand new UI and its own licensing.

Yes, Create is a brand new product line with substantial new features, a brand new UI and its own licensing.

DP stands for Developer Preview. It’s an early release which is not yet feature complete. You can find out more about what features are included in DP 1 here.

Yes, you will be able to open and edit your existing stacks and projects in LiveCode Create and continue editing them. There is complete backward compatibility. The first releases will contain a switch to allow you to switch to the Classic IDE and carry on editing in exactly the same way you do now. We will maintain this facility at least until the new Create IDE reaches maturity and potentially longer if there is demand for it.

LiveCode Create Cloud gives you access to the Web IDE for editing your projects within the browser, and allows you to deploy directly to the Web. LiveCode Create Native gives you access to edit your projects on Mac, Windows and Linux. You can deploy to iOS, Android, Mac, Windows, Linux and Server using this edition. LiveCode Create Universal includes everything in Cloud and Native.

Yes, you get all the features in every edition of LiveCode Create. Pro Features will no longer be a separately licensed item.

If you have an existing subscription for LiveCode Classic, you can keep that subscription until 2027, provided it is maintained without a break. You can move to Create and the new licensing model at any time between now and 2027. The sooner you move the sooner you will get access to all the benefits of Create.


LiveCode Classic

Yes, LiveCode 10 will be the last feature version of Classic and will ship this summer.

Yes, LiveCode 10 will be the last feature version of Classic and will ship this summer. The release candidate for that is now available.

We are no longer selling LiveCode Classic to new customers. If you do not have an existing subscription to LiveCode Classic, then you need to purchase LiveCode Create going forward.

Classic will go into maintenance mode after we ship version 10. It will receive no new features but will have bug fixes and we will maintain compatibility with supported operating systems until 2027.


A user is anyone who uses Create to develop apps, AND anyone who uses an app built in Create within a business, as a client of a business or as a customer of a business. You will need seats for all of your users, if you build internal apps to use within your business. People who use a LiveCode app via a Server interface are also counted as users.

Please see our page to help explain the two different license types. We have added use cases here to help you understand where each one applies.

A user is anyone who uses Create to develop apps, AND anyone who uses an app built in Create within a business, as a client of a business or as a customer of a business. You will need seats for all of your users, if you build internal apps to use within your business. People who use a LiveCode app via a Server interface are also counted as users.

Yes, they do, if the users for the app are within an organization or can be named as individuals. If the app you built for your client is subsequently sold as an app store app or via a website as a generic app, then application payments will apply to the app.

This is a percentage of all of the revenue earned by your LiveCode Create built app. The amount charged varies according to how much revenue your app earns, but is never more than 5% of the app earnings.

We will provide a portal where you upload your monthly sales figures. If you have an app store app, you will be requested to provide the monthly reports from the app store/s you are shipping through.

Yes, you will need a seat for every developer working on the app.

You must pick the model that corresponds to the way in which you are using LiveCode Create. If you have internal users of your apps within an organisation you must choose Internal Users, and if you are selling apps to the general public, you must choose Application Payments.

We will be running an Entrepreneurs program to help you get your app off the ground. While you are a member of the program your licensing will be free. Eligibility criteria will apply. Contact us to learn more.

You will have a portal where you can see and track your app usage. You will be able to assign and un-assign seats to named users.

For this situation you can purchase “user months”. This is a pack of 30 day licenses which can be used as needed. Any given user can access a license for one month. The license is activated and starts counting down from first login. Minimum purchases of user months will apply. This is intended for businesses which are highly seasonal, for example, if you hold a convention once a year where you have 500 users for just a few days, you would need a user months pack to cover this.

If you need to build an app that is permanently offline and not tracked in any way (for security reasons for example), please talk to us. We can at our discretion provide a case by case contract for this situation.

If you build and ship an app that is completely free, with no commercial benefit to you or to a client you build it for, then the end users of that app are free, you do not require a license for them. For example a free educational app used by students would fall into this category. You do still need to purchase a developer license for yourself. Free apps will display a LiveCode Create badge throughout the app, and will have “Made with LiveCode – Non Commercial Use Only” notices you are not permitted to disable. Educational apps will display an “Educational use only” badge in addition to these.

A free app is an app that you give away AND that brings you no commercial benefit. For example if you build an app that you give away free, but within the app there are upsells via in-app purchasing or advertising, that is not a free app within our definition and you must sign up for Application Payments to distribute it. If you build an app for a charity, you are not paid to build the app, and the users make no payments to anyone to use the app, that is a free app. Essentially, if you earn any money in any way from the app you need to sign up to make Application Payments.

There is no difference, unless your cloud deployed app is very resource heavy. We provide a reasonable amount of data and cloud resources with every license. If you exceed the limits you will need to buy additional cloud space which we will supply at or near cost.

You will not be charged for hosting costs, data storage or AI use within our Fair Use limits. For information on what the Fair Use limits are, please contact us. If you exceed these limits we will notify you and you will be able to buy more access at or near cost. Free apps will have lower limits on resource use.

Free apps will have a lower threshold of fair use limits for resource usage, and if these are exceeded charges will apply.

If your account is over $7000/year, you will get an account manager, direct technical support from our team, priority bug fixes and a dedicated channel in our Slack where you can talk to us in real time.

Please download our examples document to see how much you might pay.




We will honor all pledges made during the funding campaign for the product originally code named Xavvi and now named Create Cloud. Your pledged license will run to the end of the pledge period, for the number of apps/workspaces you pledged for. If you’re not sure what your pledge translates to please contact us and we’ll be happy to help.

We will honor all pledges made during the funding campaign for the product originally code named Xavvi and now named Create Cloud. Your pledged license will run to the end of the pledge period, for the number of apps/workspaces you pledged for. If you’re not sure what your pledge translates to please contact us and we’ll be happy to help.

You will continue to get access to Create Cloud until the first stable version ships. You will then receive a credit to the value of your purchase of the Preview Program which you can use against a Create Cloud purchase.

We will honor access to Web for all deferred Web subscriptions.

Yes, we will honor access to the Script Compiler for all backers for the term of your subscription even if you don’t move to Create.

The Offer

You will not be charged for hosting costs, data storage or AI use within our Fair Use limits. For information on what the Fair Use limits are, please contact us. If you exceed these limits we will notify you and you will be able to buy more access at or near cost. Free apps will have lower limits on resource use.

You get all the benefits of 30% off, extra time on your license and a credit for existing licensing for your developer seat purchase. To do this you will need to purchase one year worth of application payment snow. To learn how how this works in detail please contact us.

Any time you have left on your existing Classic license after 1st December 2024 (i.e. the start of your annual Create term) will be credited to your account. This credit will be applied to your first Create renewal in December 2025.

You get all the benefits of 30% off, extra time on your license and a credit for existing licensing for your developer seat purchase. To learn how the 30% off will be applied to your application payments please contact us.