
The Future of Your Platform

We are delighted to announce the biggest and most exciting set of changes to our product lineup since we introduced version 1.0 over two decades ago. Our vision is a new no-code platform without the limits. LiveCode Create is this new platform. Originally announced as a purely Web platform, we are excited today to announce that it is coming to the desktop too, as LiveCode Create Native. The platform previously code-named Xavvi is now Create Cloud. The all-platform combination of Web and Desktop is Create Universal.

Create Native will include all the capabilities of the existing LiveCode platform, including deployment to desktop, mobile and server. It is fully backward compatible. In addition to the scripting language you already know and love, it brings new no-code capabilities. LiveCode 10 is the last feature release of LiveCode "Classic". We will continue to maintain Classic (with bug fixes and OS compatibility only) until 2027.

We are proud to be shipping the first developer preview of LiveCode Create Native today. Native includes a "Classic" mode so you can access new engine capabilities in a familiar environment while we continue to refine the all-new Create experience. We have details of our new licensing plans for Create. You'll need to switch to one of our new licensing plans to access the DP. We have an unbeatable offer to help you make the switch today.

A Brand New Platform

LiveCode Create will replace LiveCode, running both as a Web IDE and on the desktop. This is envisioned as a true no-code platform, ready for today’s app builders. Widgets, actions, AI and a built in datastore offer efficient point and click options, with all the depth and power of the LiveCode language to back them up. A massive boost in ease of use and efficiency means the speed to market for apps is like nothing you’ve seen before.

A Comparison between Classic and Create

Let's compare LiveCode Create with LiveCode Classic. We tasked two of our team to create exactly the same app, a todo list, one using LiveCode Create and the other using Classic. The app is responsive, sharing data in the cloud and designed to look good on web, desktop and mobile. Written in Create, by Steven Crighton who is not by trade a developer in our team, the todo list took 24 minutes and 2 seconds. In Classic, written by Panos Merakos, one of our most experienced developers, it took 3 hours, 59 minutes and 3 seconds*. Now, 4 hours isn't a bad time to create an app from start to finish, suitable for all form factors and ready to deploy to 6 platforms. But 24 minutes is a pretty stunning time (and the app looked better at the end due to being able to simply apply a project wide theme at the click of a button.) That's 9.95x faster. Even we are impressed, and we were expecting it.

*It actually took nearer 8 hours because Panos did not film the time he spend setting up the server and the database to be ready to use for the app, none of which has to be done for the Create app because it's all built in.

What Lies Behind our New Licensing

With Create, we are launching a new licensing model. Currently, we subsidise development from our profitable services arm of the business. Even with that subsidy, progress is too slow. We can’t afford the size of development team we need to allow us to continue to invest in the platform at the rate that is required by the modern coding world. LiveCode brings a great deal of value to a great many customers and to allow the platform to thrive we need to fairly capture that value. The new model will scale with use, your success becomes our success creating a win/win all round. Depending on how you use Create, you will either need Commercial Seats, or Application Payments.

Internal Apps

If you use Create within a business, to automate processes or provide apps for employees or clients, then this model applies to you. Every end user of the apps, stacks or processes built using Create needs a seat license, as well as the developers actually using the Create IDE. This is in line with most other no-code or low code platforms, and reflects the true value provided by the platform in development time saved and productivity of staff within businesses. Choose between Create Cloud with Web IDE and deployment, Create Native running on the desktop and deploying to iOS, Android, Mac, Windows, Linux or Server, and Create Universal which gives you everything.

Need more than 100 commercial seat licenses?
Talk to us for a custom quote

Apps for Sale

If you use Create to build apps for sale to the public, either via an app store or your own website, then you will need a developer seat plus you will make application payments on the revenue generated by the app. These payments will never be more than 5% of the app revenue, and only apply to revenue directly generated by the app. As the app earns more, the percentage required to be paid for the use of Create falls.

We have designed this new licensing carefully with the needs of customers in mind after speaking personally with dozens of actual customers across a range of industries, taking feedback and listening to your input. Our thanks to those of you who took the time to speak with us!

How our Licensing Model Compares

Let’s look at how our licensing compares to other coding environments. To some extent we overlap with languages like Python and Javascript, which are of course free. But these aren’t great comparisons to make – Create is so much more than just a language! The actions editor, drag and drop GUI, hosting of your apps and data, multiplatform deployment…

FileMaker is an interesting comparison, being in a similar low-code space. It has a similar per seat model, but without the ability to build standalones, no native Android support and a fraction of the feature set of Create. Create’s starting point of a single seat makes it easier to get started. In low seat volumes the price is comparable, however at volume FileMaker is roughly twice the price per user. It does not have a model that allows for apps for sale to the public.

Create deploys to more platforms, with a far richer feature set, has a far more flexible pricing model, allows you to publish free apps, and is about half the price in volume. Would you say that was a win? We would.

Growing the Community

We often get asked what we’re going to do to grow the community. A thriving and vibrant community is very important for everyone. As we come out of stealth mode with Create now is a good time to address that question. 

What it takes today to acquire a customer is very different from what it took a decade ago. Create has been built with this in mind. It will provide a far easier first run experience to new users, with no need to learn scripting before creating their first app. The first impression is of a beautiful and modern IDE. As the app and data are hosted they don’t need to think about any of that. There is no download required to start creating on the web. This all helps to reduce barriers and improve attractiveness for new users.

The new pricing model is flexible, understandable, and stands up well in the marketplace. The fact that it scales well means we can afford to do more marketing, buy more traffic, work with influencers, go to tradeshows and do all the marketing activities needed to get the word out. A new website and an overhaul of our social media outreach are also coming.

We’re planning a consultants portal and a marketplace shortly after launch. We’ll be bringing out an entrepreneurs accelerator program you can apply to if you are creating apps for sale. We’ll hold webinars, provide your licensing free for a year, provide services and support to help you get your app off the ground and share all the knowledge we can to help you make your app successful. Interested? Get in touch.

Create will be free for public high schools teaching coding with the platform. We’re proud to be involved in educating the future generation of coders. 

A Reward for Moving Now

Get your hands on Create today, be a part of its evolution and help to ensure it hits the ground running. If you move today, we’ll give you 4 months free, plus 30% off your first year of the new licensing.

If you have a current LiveCode license, LiveCode Classic will continue until 2027, and your existing licensing for that will continue (provided there is no break in the subscription). However the Create engine and feature set is already ahead of Classic and that gap is only going to grow. We hope you will move now!

The offer

Purchase Create now and receive a 30% discount on your first year of Create licensing. You will also receive a credit for any un-used Classic licensing you have which will apply against your first Create renewal. You will receive a license immediately to unlock all preview releases, but your Create subscription will not start until 1st December 2024. Your license will also unlock LiveCode Classic.

To recap: move now for

The deadline for you to make your purchase and receive the 30% discount is 22nd August 2024.

Purchase Now

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